Types of Surrogacy
Gestational Surrogacy
A Gestational Surrogate is the most common type of surrogacy. A Gestational Surrogate is not genetically related to the child(ren) she is carrying. The embryo is usually created through the intended mother’s egg and intended father’s sperm using in vitro fertilization or IVF. It is then transferred to the surrogate, who ideally then carries the child(ren) through to birth. Essentially, the surrogate is “loaning out her womb” to carry the child(ren) through the term of pregnancy for those who do not have the physical ability to do so.
The legal process of Gestation Surrogacy is quite simple and hiring a lawyer is IMPERATIVE to protect your rights both as intended parents and a surrogate mother. At Life Through Surrogacy, Inc. our staff consists of an experienced South Florida-based Surrogacy Lawyer and a successful surrogate carrier.
Reimbursements, estimated fees, and costs of Gestational Surrogacy can vary from case to case. Click here for more detailed information.
Traditional Surrogacy
A Traditional Surrogate acts as both egg donor and surrogate and as such are BIOLOGICALLY RELATED to the child(ren) being carried. Traditional Surrogacy gives rise to potential legal and social complications so serious that at Life through Surrogacy, Inc. we do not assist clients in the Traditional Surrogacy process. Surrogacy is intended to be a wonderful life experience for all parties. For a brief overview of the risks and complications which can arise in traditional surrogacy, read this story.