Surrogacy FAQs
A surrogate is a woman who agrees to carry a pregnancy for prospective parents who otherwise cannot. There are two types of surrogacy: Traditional and Gestational. At Life Through Surrogacy, Inc. we only work with Gestational Surrogacies.
A “gestational carrier” (or surrogate) is a woman who is implanted with an embryo created by the intended parent(s) or donor. Embryos are created outside of the womb via In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
The easy answer is that, while adoption is a wonderful way to fulfill the dream of becoming a parent, through surrogacy there will be an actual genetic relationship between the child and the parent(s). Unlike most adoptions, intended parents can closely monitor the health and progress of the pregnancy and birth of their child(ren). The gestational carrier’s obligations and compensation are governed by contract, which provides a distinct measure of security to all involved. One of the most important advantages of surrogacy over adoption is that the gestational carrier (surrogate mother) has almost non-existent parental rights once the baby is born, versus adoption where parental rights are often uncertain for a period of time.
As a gestational carrier, you will be providing a very special gift to a couple or individual incapable of bearing a child, or children, on their own. You will also be reimbursed generously for your expenses.
The ideal surrogate mother is either married or in a committed relationship, is already raising at least one child, and does not desire any more children of her own. Moreover, her desire to help those who cannot physically bear children is paramount to being an ideal carrier. Click here to see if you qualify as a prospective gestational surrogate.
The only way to arrange a Surrogacy is to work with an experienced Surrogacy Agency, preferably one with an attorney on staff. IVF clinics will not work on a Surrogacy until and unless the proper legal paperwork has been created and provided. Social workers, psychologists, physicians, and lawyers will be used to evaluate the gestational carrier for suitability. They will also evaluate intended parent(s) and make appropriate matches with potential carriers. Attorneys are involved in the review of surrogacy agreements and to prepare other legal documents and attend court proceedings from beginning to end of the surrogacy process. Visit our About Us page to learn more about our team of experts.
Once a surrogacy contract is agreed upon and signed, medical specialists will obtain the mother’s eggs and/or father’s sperm from the intended parent(s) and implant the embryo(s) in the carrier (in cases where the intended parents do not have either sperm or eggs to contribute to the process, donor arrangements are made). Medical specialists will monitor the health of the gestational carrier and baby throughout the term of the pregnancy and delivery. The intended parents leave the hospital with their new bundle of joy, and the carrier’s duties are fulfilled.
Participants, in conjunction with Life Through Surrogacy, decide upon the best IVF doctor and clinic under the geographical and other individual circumstances of the case.
Professional counseling -- and all medical counseling and procedures directly related to the pregnancy -- is provided to the carrier and intended parents, as needed, throughout the surrogacy process. Click here for more detailed information.
Each surrogacy is different and depends on a variety of factors including: availability of a gestational carrier, success of IVF procedures, and a host of others. The average time-frame is 1-2 years from the time you begin the process with Life Through Surrogacy, Inc. and the time your baby is born.
The estimated fees and costs of a surrogacy are subject to change and will vary from case-to-case. The approximate cost of a gestational surrogacy – from start to finish – is 90K – 120K. There are a variety of variables that could cause the cost to go higher or lower. Click here for a more detailed breakdown of the surrogacy costs.
Under Florida law, “surrogacy” is a process between a carrier and a traditional married couple. As such, when a single person or an unmarried couple wants to pursue this avenue, it is called “Pre-Planned Adoption.” It is essentially the same as a surrogacy, but with some minor differences in the legal details. (Fla. Stat. 63.213)
At Life Through Surrogacy, Inc. we believe that everyone, regardless of their marital status or sexual orientation has the right to become parents should they so desire.
During her pregnancy a gestational surrogate can do anything any other pregnant woman can do, unless otherwise advised by her doctor. So a gestational surrogate can work her normal full-time job and also receive the legally-allowed reimbursement for her living expenses through the surrogacy.
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The professionals at Life Through Surrogacy, Inc. are committed to helping top-quality, prospective intended couples become parents through the process of surrogacy. Only the best parents need apply! If we would not want to be a child in your home, we will not help you with a surrogacy.